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Leo Roti - The Beginning

On August 23, 2017, Leo Randall Roti was born at Verde Valley Medical Center in Cottonwood, AZ. This 8#5oz. beautiful baby boy seemed to be doing well except for some slightly rapid breathing and not quite pink feet. At Leo's 24 hour well-baby check, the hospital staff determined that there might be an issue with Leo's heart. 

Several echocardiograms on Friday the 25th confirmed a problem and Leo was air-lifted via helicopter to Phoenix Children's Hospital. It was determined that Leo's patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) had failed to close upon birth. The PDA is the method by which babies blood and oxygen flow while still inside mom. This PDA typically closes when a baby is born and blood flow begins its normal circulatory route through an infant's body. With IV fluid and oxygen support, it was hoped that Leo's PDA would close naturally and all would be well. 

Leo was holding his own until Monday morning when the PDA closed as expected, but he became distressed. At this point, another echo revealed Leo had a congenital heart defect called a coarctation of the aorta. This narrowing of the aorta doesn't allow adequate blood flow to the entire body. 

Due to his poor oxygenation and distress, Leo was placed on a ventilator. At this point, we are now waiting for him to become strong and stable enough to tolerate surgery. He will require a procedure to correct the narrowing in the aorta. 

Our family appreciates all the love and support we have received since Leo's birth. We will continue to keep you informed as to his progress.